Sign The Petition

Sign The Petition: Tell HOA’s to adopt modern, eco-friendly lawn policies.

It’s time to break up with 150+ years of detrimental lawn traditions and change outdated HOA standards of beauty. The three inch turf requires endless hours for mowing, weeding, watering and applying chemical fertilizers–but it’s not the only way. Eco-friendly and aesthetically-pleasing “lawn alternatives” exist, from tidy, short native grasses to blooming wildflowers.

HOAs need to adapt to modern lawns options!
Put your yard in the fight.

Cultivate real change by doing lawns differently; sign our petition to let HOAs know it’s time for America to unlawn for a better yard.

At American Meadows, we believe in the transformative power of better yards and are committed to helping people find ways to make a positive impact on the world with their outdoor spaces. We’re standing up to those who continue to block the path to a better, brighter, sustainable future. Because we know, as gardeners, that cultivating an alternative lawn is good for personal well-being, the community, and the world. Meadowscaping makes it better!

Names will not be publicly displayed on this website, but the list of signed will be delivered to various policy makers as we try to effect change.